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Ideas make the world go round. is a company that focuses on innovation development that is only limited by your imagination.
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Advancing capability through R&D
never stop innovating
future projects
See what we are working on. Next-gen technology to make the world a better place.

"Having worked as an audio visual specialist in the University sector for many years, I noticed a common gap between the physical and the digital worlds that were emerging. We are human at the end of the day, therefore we are reliant on our sensors, all technology is designed to interact with our senses. The more technology can utilise each of or senses, the more we can bridge the gap between the physical and digital. That's why VIOR was born, to be a central place for all those technologies. "- Richard Jenkins


"While living in Melbourne I noticed that many of the Brass and Copper plaques around the city were in need of polishing. Having grown up in a household that worked a lot on heritage style buildings, I had polished Brass and other items before and always enjoyed the result. I looked around Melbourne and found that nobody was offering an onsite polishing service where the polisher goes to the place that needs polishing. The popularity of the service grew quickly and now as one of the main providers of onsite metal polishing in Australia."- Richard Jenkins

Pulse road

"I noticed an issue with Teslas auto driving that it wasn't actually scanning the road it drives on. I noticed the same issue with other automated driving systems. They weren't avoiding potholes or other things on the road. So I started looking at what is currently used to monitor the physical health of the roads and very quickly realised its a much bigger problem than I originally thought. So then began the journey of discovery and innovation until I came up with a design that would help all involved"- Richard Jenkins


"Growing up with a disability I have seen many prosthetics like arms and legs be made but I never thought they were any good. If they aren't as good as my hand, then I don't want it. My hand is the best design there is and so I noticed one significant flaw in most designs I've seen. The Phantom project is my design attempt which I believe would be the most advanced in the world."- Richard Jenkins